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Day 242

Jeremy has been lucky in the past days with the centre of the Azores moving to the sound of his tune and delivering a perfect wind which is rotating at just the right time. It could have been so much worse trapped in the centre. Instead he is enjoying classic sailing with blue skies and comfortable seas right on track for the Azores at 5-6kts and about to step over to the next weather system. Happy days for a possible ETA of around 27/28 May.

Captain Gugg is at the moment heading slightly south of east again away from a direct course to Biscay but that should not last long. He has solid winds due to swing to the NW for a short time later today. This may be the explanation of his current course. The current wind graphic suggests he should be sailing NE but maybe that is not correct and the strong NW wind shift generating 4m seas has already arrived? Tomorrow he will be on track for Biscay once again.



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