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Day 243

The satellite image shows the weather in two days time and the two icons 1,150 miles apart show the estimated positions of Capt. Gugg and Jeremy at that time. The actual position of Nuri and Olleanna is today now! Today everything is going as suggested yesterday, with Gugg making 7kts and 133 miles in the past 24 hours. He is flying no doubt with his Mizzen staysail up and going for it with Les Sables d’Olonne just 720 miles over the horizon. After 29,000 miles he will consider it just about home! It is and the long range forecast suggests he may have a good run in with favourable wind direction and strength nearly all the way once he crosses the crazy shipping lanes. So it is never over til that big lady sings but he must be happy for sure!

Jeremy will do ok for the next few days but there is a chance he may lose wind on day three and get trapped in a no wind band for a couple days after that. For now it is all plain sailing making good progress. Sometimes it is good to sound boring but it never is!



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