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The GGR family extends around the world. It will continue to grow during this third edition.

A few followers have asked if they can help the organisation in any way. As founders Jane and I simply say, “Yes! What would you like to be involved with?”.

In 2018 we had many volunteers in the office for a few weeks before the start. The helpful and happy Race Village Volunteers are the responsibility of our partners Les Sables d’Olonne who organise everything. (If you want to help please contact the city or Benevolent organisations). During the race, we had volunteer weather specialists helping interpret storms, photographers and drone flyers, language interpreters, safety advisors etc. If you would like to volunteer and be involved and have a skill you think we could use, please contact us. We would love to hear from you. 

Here are some specific roles for volunteers we hope to find

School visits coordinator

Every week during the GGR, a school class of 25 French children, 9-11 years, will visit our GGR Office. We hope to find one or two people to help us with these visits and also deliver a planned activity program? This will be a lot of fun for sure and we know the kids will love it and you! Please contact us with your details. Thanks!

General office assistant, media assistant and entrant co-ordinator

17 days before the start of the GGR, we have 20 entrants all asking questions and looking for advice with plenty going on at briefings and inspections. Also quite a bit of media activity and our big Aussie barbie farewell event to organise! If you can spare a few days or a week you join a fun passionate team and it is interesting work!

Crisis management team

Sometimes we may need to operate 24 hours a day in a crisis event. If you are a sailor, living close to Les Sables and the GGR Office and prepared to be part of a roster system during a crisis to help answer phones etc, we will be happy to hear from you.

Race Village GGR display volunteers

Les Sables are building a fantastic Race Village for GGR. On 17th, 18th and 19th August we need to set up our GGR displays in that village! It is quite a job assembling the various components, putting models out and setting up TV and display boards inside our area. Not heavy lifting, nor complicated, but fun when it is finished, and we sure could use some extra hands! Thanks!

Film drop assistants

If you live in one of our film drops and would like to help with anything on boats, holding the mic, drone pilot or have a boat, or just want to sail out to meet entrants and have room – you may be able to help. Thanks! Or just come out to welcome the entrants!

GGR village stand assistant

Would you like to help on our GGR or McIntyre Adventure stand during the Race Village? Just talk about GGR to people passing by? It will be open from 10am to 6pm each day and we hope to find a few people for a few hours a day.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon and thanks for thinking of us!  We are trying to make the GGR inspire people around the world!