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Day 199

Epic Horn

The news of the day is of course Ian Herbert-Jones who rounds Cape Horn this morning after 199 days at sea but in Chichester class, leaving only three competitors in the race for the GGR podium. The Briton found the rudder blade on his Hydrovane had broken after his floating anchor line wrapped around it while Puffin was making slow progress. He is now in 30 to 45 knots, hand-steering towards a port of call in Tierra del Fuego, using his satellite phone and backup GPS without restriction.

Ahead and true to form, Jeremy is spending another day in heavy weather. He is in a 30 to 50 knots NW front followed by a SW, which will keep him company all day long, crossing the sea as it passes through for another nasty sea state. Only 4° before the exit of the roaring 40s, hang in there! At the horse latitudes, Michael still finds some wind to cross the ridge of high pressure which is in his path, but Nuri is dry, the weather is good, and he still has some bacon left, almost cruising!

In front, Abhilash is taking advantage of the wind close to the Noreste coastline to clock 130 miles and take another 30 miles from Kirsten this morning. Minnehaha, further north, entered the doldrums earlier, but it seems narrower where she is than her runner-up and she still has some wind with 100 nm/24h! Finally, it is Simon in cruising mode who again is covering the greatest distance this morning: 140 miles in cruising mode “without touching the sheets” he says, but who will believe him…


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