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Day 9

After days of close-hauled sailing, today is shaping up to be off the wind at last! The wind is veering to the west, skippers are cracking-off the sheets and speedometers start talking: more than 6,5 knots for Simon Curwen and Tapio Lehtinen, still unaware they are fighting for first place with Pat Lawless in their wake, up to 7knots for Abhilash Tomy close behind, and more than 7.5 knots for Kirsten Neuschäfer and Guy deBoer. West is best!

At the back of the fleet, Captain Coconut still upwind against the waves is paying a hefty price for his coastal option, Ian Herbert Jones and Elliot Smith are still in light winds that will freshen up during the day, while Arnaud Gaist will cross the centre of the low pressure system tonight for a ride south.

A special mention for Damien Guillou, who can’t be sleeping much to make such headway as he is, in a complicated zone. Weather models differ for the next 24 hours, GFS placing the centre of the depression moving towards La Coruña, while AROME and ECMWF place it further south between Porto and Vigo ,so it’s hard to guess his next move out of Biscay, but hats-off nevertheless!

See you tomorrow for some interesting 24-hour distances. We’re guessing Kirsten, what about you?


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