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Day 16

Elliott Smith has chosen to anchor off the Playa del Pozo in Lanzarote for the night, taking advantage of the light winds to catch up on sleep, enjoy the beauty of the site in the autumn light and share bits of wisdom with the team. Ian Herbert Jones is just North of the same island 30 miles away and will be certainly happy to close the gap with his voyage companion on their way towards Cape Verde!

Further south, the results of the various options are starting to unfold: Simon was the first to pick up wind, followed by Tapio, Pat and Abhilash firmly on his tail, the mid-fleet group composed of Guy, Michael, Ertan and Jeremy is once again reunited and heading South, while Kirsten’s move west of them has not paid off yet, since she posted less than half the distance of her companions in the last 24 hours.

The European weather models are anticipating a Cape Verde Hurricane developing on Friday off the coasts of Mauritania and Senegal and crossing the path of the fleet over the weekend, while the American model GFS and Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast are predicting much lower winds and a different trajectory.

While it is early to anticipate the exact strength and direction of a system in formation, GGR Control will notify the entrants today and keep them informed of its evolution during the week, since the different positions of entrants will incur a different situation for each of them.


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