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Day 50

Full steam ahead

With a 2-month delayed start from 2018 to get milder conditions in the southern oceans, the GGR skippers have mostly sailed in headwinds so far. From the -painful- exit of Biscay, to the southerly trade winds, it’s been on the nose! For a week, they have finally been able to crack the sheets open and get the yachts going!

At the front, daily averages are constantly between 150 and 170 miles, with Simon beating his 24-hour (170 miles) and his 7-day records over the week-end, and Abhilash returning to the podium behind Tapio, beating the GGR 2022 24-hour record on Saturday: 177 miles! Kirsten, is back at full steam and should take her 5th place back from Damien, who repaired his Hydrovane yesterday but is in lighter winds, north of the leaders. Pat remains 4th.

Since he reduced sails, Captain Gugg is catching up with the leaders averaging close to Simon’s speed, also on a Biscay 36. He posted his best week this morning at 1068 miles and is following a perfect course to get south of the high. He is closing down on Ertan who solved a loose Hydrovane fitting on Lazy Otter.

At the back too, it’s pedal to the metal! As expected, Elliott improved his 7-day record this morning to 1037 miles, as the fastest yacht under 36 feet, closing on Guy, handicapped by the barnacle farming on Sagarmatha’s hull. Jeremy and Ian also improved their weekly record, widening their lead over Arnaud who is gradually and happily returning to a ‘wild state’.


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