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Day 52

Là, tout n’est qu’ordre et beauté, luxe, calme et volupté…

Good news for Simon who took advantage of the calmer seas to change his broken halyard without losing any time in the process, since he posted his best performance over 7 days : 1078 miles including 164 in the last 24 hours! Behind, Tapio, Abhilash and Pat are also gliding along at 6+ knots on a 50-mile West-East axis, and Kirsten, like Pat, is pressing to catch-up improving her weekly record: 1085 miles, 163 of which in the last 24 hours.

Damien, is joining the pack under the high pressure system, following a more southerly route and multiplying sail changes in unstable winds, while a dancing Michael, very much in phase with Nuri, continues to increase pace: “Nuri and I are more and more one unit, gliding mode is set quicker and more often“. They are followed by Ertan, still without batteries, who is wondering if he will avoid a stopover in Cape Town, and Jeremy who is approaching the 1000 weekly miles mark.

Elliott has finally taken 10th place from Guy overnight, while Ian who rounded Trindade is also approaching the 1000 weekly mile mark, happy to finally get the most out of his Tradewind. They leave Arnaud 2 days away from the island in lighter winds, but still improving speed and comfort, which may allow him to get back to baking bread!


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