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Day 100

100 days to Saint Helena

100 days, that’s what it took Arnaud to get to St Helena, like another illustrious Frenchman 200 years before him. Arnaud made a long Atlantic loop down to 34° South, and will not stop on the island, preferring to continue towards the Caribbean. He is now officially retired. Guy is now only 35 miles from the goal at 3.5 knots and less than a day away!

Along the exclusion zone, everyone has wind today. Up front Jeremy and Gugg will get 30+ knots of NW turning W today for another wild ride. Behind them Elliott has finally gybed on starboard tack and Ian who is finding his pace to make the Hobart gate in time improving his 7-day personal best at 974 miles this morning! The conditions this week are ideal to reach the thousand miles club, Go Puffin!

In front, away from the no-go zone, salvation is in the south, while Simon will be caught by a high-pressure system tomorrow. Kirsten will probably try for a replay of the Cape Town arrival, where the “South African route” deeper in the south brought her fresh downwind conditions, gaining precious miles on Simon. Abhilash however, could benefit the most from the situation catching up on both of them.


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