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Day 143

Waiting for Godot

Simon has a quiet day today, slowly moving NE to avoid the worst of the deep low pressure system that will hit him in the early morning hours. He is inevitably losing ground on the rest of the fleet, but his 1200-miles cushion gives him that luxury while keeping him safe. Sound strategy from the Briton.

Behind him, the same low pressure system is sending some fat steady downwind conditions: 152 miles for Abhilash, the fastest today to celebrate India Republic day, and 148 for Michael who is flirting dangerously with the Exclusion Zone limit. Kirsten has only sailed 124 miles since yesterday but has spent another 3 hours scraping Minnehaha in cold water to contain the barnacle invasion.

To the west, Jeremy is 150 miles short of Snares Island to escape before a sneaky high-pressure blocks the path south of New Zealand tomorrow. Ian, slower and on a less direct route, will not be so lucky and will see for sure the door close on him. Guy on the other Tradewind 35, could be back within HF radio range by next week, no doubt enjoying the company of the “Chat Pack” on the airwaves!


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