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Day 154

The proverbial calm

Guy Waites, just out of a violent cold front this morning, is heading for Hobart 260 miles away to pick up a new life raft. He should even make it in time to see Don and Jane and share his adventure with us. Ahead of him Ian, who is leading the way, has finally rounded the Bounty Islands despite the strong northerly wind, up to 35 knots over the weekend.

Jeremy is happy to have arrived along the exclusion zone which represents for him the last constraint of this round the world race before a total freedom of route. Michael, 2000 miles ahead of Jeremy will be very happy to get out of it this week after an incursion over the weekend which cost him 4.5 hours of penalties, which should not affect his ranking.

Out of the zone, it’s a northerly heading for all, in anticipation of a very large and violent low expected tonight for Abhilash and Kirsten, which will affect them for 48 hours. Their NE position will not allow them to avoid the foul conditions, but to stay in them for less time. Simon, without a governor but who has managed to repair his engine should not be violently affected, he is only 240 miles from Puerto Ancud.


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