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Day 168

Two through, four more to go!

Abhilash rounded Cape Horn this Saturday, 10 years and 23 days after his first circumnavigation from India. He celebrated his passage by sailing through Lemaire Strait and cooking a Biryani and fresh water rice! He dismantled his anchor to repair his windvane and is now taking shelter off the Tierra de Fuego coastline, probably to reinforce his repair.

Kirsten is in her garden, having travelled thousands of miles in Antarctica and around the Falklands she knows the area like the back of her hand. She visited her friends in Port Stanley, waving from a distance, enough to recharge the batteries for the trip up the Atlantic back to Les Sables d’Olonne!

Next up at Cape Horn are Michael, 550 miles away, who finally collected 46 litres of rainwater, and Simon 800 miles away who is finally getting some westerly winds to move in a straight line after a harrowing tacking weekend. Both will receive a weather warning today for the succession of low-pressure systems that will be crossing the area this week.

Jeremy and Ian have switched from downwind to upwind conditions, both sailing NE at 42° degrees in what are certainly nasty seas. Jeremy is sailing close-reached in 20 knots and Ian is on a reach and being blown north in 30 knots, gusting to 40 and 4.5 metre seas from the south. The same conditions will reach Jeremy this evening.


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