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Day 203

Hour change but not mood

Ian is anchored north of Picton Island at the entrance to the Beagle Channel with SV Jonathan. We hope Caro and Mark are ready for some conversation, they are the first human beings Ian can talk to directly since Hobart last year! At 50°S092°W, Guy Waites is about 1000 from Cape Horn with a week of decent weather ahead! Not that far, Guy!

In the South Atlantic, Jeremy is out of the roaring 40s but not out of the heavy weather yet, with a low-pressure system that formed on him overnight and will keep him company throughout the day. There will be more lows during the week, but he should finally be north enough to avoid them. In view from Trindade Island, Michael is still in easterlies, helping him to make the best distance of the fleet this morning, but will get stuck again tonight and tomorrow. Trade winds where art thou?

Kirsten is not out of the doldrums, nor out of the woods yet, but finally out of the southern hemisphere! The doldrums are a bit of a lottery, but the GGR leader is saving the day, especially as Abhilash is slowing down. She has kept the 250-mile lead and 2 degrees of latitude over Abhilash. Simon in Chichester Class continues to reduce the gap and is now playing along between the leaders through his central positioning.


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